New Resident Utility Application Form: Download
Terminate Resident Utility Form: Download
Outside Meter Installation Instructions: Download
Monthly Water/Sewer Billing
Water and Sewer bills are mailed during the first 3 business days of the month. They are due by 5 pm on the 20th of each month. A penalty is assessed to each account if payment is not received by the close of business on the 20th. If payment is not received within 10 days of the due date, your water/sewer service may be discontinued. A $300.00 deposit is required for all new accounts.
The current monthly rates are as follows:
Water: $35.75 for the first 1,500 gallons $8.00 per 1,000 gallons over 1,500
Sewer: $60.50 for the first 1,500 gallons $15.00 per 1,000 gallons over 1.500
If you do not receive your billing by the 10th of the month, please contact city hall immediately.
Electricity/Natural Gas
Provided by Alliant Energy 800-255-4268.
Garbage Collection
Garbage collection is provided by Rudd Sanitation Friday mornings and is part of your utility bill each month. The rate is $15.50 per month for three cans (35 Gal) or bag up to 40lbs. per week, no recycling. $1.00 per extra bag/can, will be for purchase at City Hall for $1.00. Rudd Sanitation recommends you place your garbage curbside on Thursday evening as they usually arrive very early on Friday morning. To obtain a recycling bin, contact Rudd Sanitation at (319)438-6563.
Items not picked up
Paint, yard waste, TV’s, computer monitors, tires, oil filters, vegetable oil, 5 gallon containers, and batteries.
Internet services can be obtained through Windstream 800-843-9214.
We currently do not have a cable TV provider in town. Most citizens use either Dish Net or DirectTV.